Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

CITL Blog Starting

CENTER FOR                
LeTourneau University
September 2013

Look for our new CITL blog starting this month designed to increase collaboration and innovation throughout LETU by providing information to staff and faculty about CITL happenings.

Our blog will include information on:

-Higher Education Happenings 
-Technology (Computer and Educational)
-Pedagogy, Andragogy and Heutagogy
-Research and Best Practices
-A Showcase of Innovation at LETU
-Library Information 
-Upcoming Events including educational webinars and other educational offerings
-New Technologies Available at LETU


Please follow us...click on our link from the weekly LETU News!

Colleen Halupa

You can reach me at ext. 4071 or by email at chalupa@letu.edu if you have questions about the CITL or comments about the blog.

Friday, September 13, 2013

What's CITL?

CITL? The Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning. Or, you can think of us as C, IT and L. Think of C as for Curriculum Design and Technology. IT, well, IT, aka Information Technology. And L can remind you of our Learning Resource Center (Library, as we used to call it). We have joined these three strategic areas within LETU into one center we call the CITL—the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning.

Our vision is to engage innovation in teaching and learning through information, instructional and educational technology and library and information science. That’s a mouthful.

As we know, technology is everywhere—whether you find it with our engineers, our aeronautical sciences, our educational faculty and staff, our business programs, all throughout the arts and science and into our proposed nursing program.

With our new center, we welcome two new directors. Dr. Colleen Halupa and Mrs. Leslie BowmanColleen is serving as our Director of our Curriculum Design and Technology area. She is our CITL newsletter editor along with leading the CITL with our faculty in instructional and education technology. She will be conducting pedagogy training workshops for faculty to better use technology in the classroom to improve student learning outcomes. She is an experienced educator, having led educational programs for the U.S. Air Force.

Leslie is leading our Learning Resource Center as our library director. She has experience training students, faculty and staff in information literacy and educational technology, having organized training in collaborative learning techniques, project-based instruction, SMART boards, student response systems , Microsoft Office products and iPads.  She is also making some marvelous advances in the library space, so if you haven’t stopped by yet, please do.

We covet your prayers for our Center.  Our goal is that we will serve each of you well with the talents and gifts God has in His mercy bestowed on us. We exist to serve each of you as professionals of Christ-like character who understanding our work as our holy calling with eternal impact.

We also covet your ideas. No idea is too small. No idea is too big. Send me or any of our directors, Colleen, Leslie, Ken Johnson, Michael Davis or Kristin Ater your ideas for innovation.

Here are our contact numbers for those ideas (continue to use 3500 for all technical support):

C—Curriculum Design and Technology Assistance  —4070
IT—Technology Support  —3500
L—Learning Resource Center —3260

Matthew Henry
Dean of Innovative Education

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

New Blackboard Mobile Learn 4.0

Dear Students and Faculty Members:
Blackboard Mobile Learn has undergone a massive redesign.
Guided by simplicity, readability and ease of use, this update makes interacting with your courses more enjoyable and personal than ever.
Students and faculty will see app updates on their iOS and Android devices at the end of the month, but you can update the Mobile Web Services Building Block now.  
With this redesign comes:
Students can favorite, hide, reorder, color code, and rename their courses.
Reading and contributing to threaded discussion forums is easier than ever.
Rich Content Handling:
The most often used rich content styles are supported so that course design and user experience are not compromised.
To find out more information and download this new app go to:  https://www.blackboard.com/Platforms/Mobile/Products/Mobile-Learn.aspx

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